La primera tesi del grup d’investigadores: Active Aging, Healthy Aging? A molecular, brain volume and behavioral approach

Com a resultat de la recerca, estem contentes de presentar la tesi doctoral de l’Alba Castells Sánchez: Active Aging, Healthy Aging? A molecular, brain volume and behavioral approach. Aquesta tesi recull 3 dels articles publicats amb les dades de Projecte Moviment i inclou les referències de la feina ublicada en aquest camp de recerca. Us deixem els articles inclosos a la bibliografia per si fos del vostre interès. Esperem que en breu us poguem presentar altres treballs amb què estem treballant.

Al-Mallah, M. H., Juraschek, S. P., Whelton, S., Dardari, Z. A., Ehrman, J. K., Michos, E. D., Blumenthal, R. S., Nasir, K., Qureshi, W. T., Brawner, C. A., Keteyian, S. J., & Blaha, M. J. (2016). Sex Differences in Cardiorespiratory Fitness and All-Cause Mortality: The Henry Ford ExercIse Testing (FIT) Project. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 91(6), 755–762.

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Barha, C. K., Best, J. R., Rosano, C., Yaffe, K., Catov, J. M., & Liu-Ambrose, T. (2020). Sex-Specific Relationship Between Long-Term Maintenance of Physical Activity and Cognition in the Health ABC Study: Potential Role of Hippocampal and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Volume. The Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 75(4), 764– 770.

Barha, C. K., Davis, J. C., Falck, R. S., Nagamatsu, L. S., & Liu-Ambrose, T. (2017). Sex differences in exercise efficacy to improve cognition: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials in older humans. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 46(December 2016), 71–85.

Barha, C. K., Hsu, C. L., ten Brinke, L., & Liu-Ambrose, T. (2019). Biological Sex: A Potential Moderator of Physical Activity Efficacy on Brain Health. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 11(December), 1–10.

Barha, C. K., & Liu-Ambrose, T. (2018). Exercise and the Aging Brain: Considerations for Sex Differences. Brain Plasticity, 4, 53–63.

Belleville, S., & Bherer, L. (2012). Biomarkers of Cognitive Training Effects in Aging. Current Translational Geriatrics and Experimental Gerontology Reports, 1(2), 104–110.

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Castells-Sánchez, A., Roig-Coll, F., Lamonja-Vicente, N., Altés-Magret, M., Torán- Monserrat, P., Via, M., García-Molina, A., Tormos, J. M., Heras, A., Alzamora, M. T., Forés, R., Pera, G., Dacosta-Aguayo, R., Soriano-Raya, J. J., Cáceres, C., Montero-Alía, P., Montero-Alía, J. J., Jimenez-Gonzalez, M. M., Hernández-Pérez, M., Perera, A., … Mataró, M. (2019). Effects and Mechanisms of Cognitive, Aerobic Exercise, and Combined Training on Cognition, Health, and Brain Outcomes in Physically Inactive Older Adults: The Projecte Moviment Protocol. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 11, 216.

Castells-Sánchez, A., Roig-Coll, F., Dacosta-Aguayo, R., Lamonja-Vicente, N., Sawicka, A. K., Torán-Monserrat, P., Pera, G., Montero-Alía, P., Heras-Tebar, A., Domènech, S., Via, M., Erickson, K. I., & Mataró, M. (2021). Exercise and Fitness Neuroprotective Effects: Molecular, Brain Volume and Psychological Correlates and Their Mediating Role in Healthy Late-Middle-Aged Women and Men. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 13, 615247.

Castells-Sánchez, A., Roig-Coll, F., Dacosta-Aguayo, R., Lamonja-Vicente, Torán- Monserrat, P., Pera, G., … & Mataró, M. Molecular And Brain Volumen Changes Following Aerobic Exercise, Cognitive And Combined Training: The Projecte Moviment. (Under review in Psycophysiology)

Castells-Sánchez, A., Roig-Coll, F., Lamonja-Vicente, N., Torán-Monserrat, P., Pera, G., Montero, P., Dacosta-Aguayo, R., Bermudo-Gallaguet, A., Bherer, L., Erickson, K. I., & Mataró, M. (2021). Sex Matters in the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness with Cognition. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 53(6), 1252–1259.

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Chang, E., Paterno, J., Duscher, D., Maan, Z. N., Chen, J. S., Januszyk, M., Rodrigues, M., Rennert, R. C., Bishop, S., Whitmore, A. J., Whittam, A. J., Longaker, M. T., & Gurtner, G. C. (2015). Exercise induces stromal cell- derived factor- 1α-mediated release of endothelial progenitor cells with increased vasculogenic function. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 135(2), 340e-350e.

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